July 18, 2022

Exception handling in SAP CPI

#cpi #exception #iflow #asapcpitraining #sap@ASAPCPITraining

Exception handling is very important in any iflow (integration flows). It will help you to run your scenarios normally and avoid the program failure.
In this video we shall provide a step by step and easy way to understand exception handling in CPI using an exception sub process.

How To handle Exception in SAP Cloud Platform Integration?

Note: The sub-process should not be connected to any of the elements of the integration flow.

You can choose any XML/XSD for this. Use any online XML to XSD tool, if you don’t have an XSD like below.

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July 17, 2022

Rename an Iflow in SAP CPI | Change name of an Artifcat

#rename #cpi #iflow #sap #asapcpitraining

If you are wondering, how to change the name of an iflow or how to rename an iflow, once it is created. Check this video for a step by step guide.

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It is time to Upskill in SAP CPI – https://asapcpitraining.com/top-10-reasons-to-learn-sap-cpi

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FAQ – https://asapcpitraining.com/faq/

July 6, 2022

JMS adapter || Resend / Retry message in SAP CPI

#jms #adapter #cpi #sap #asapcpitraining #sapcpi #resend #message

This is a step by step guide to Retry message in SAP CPI. You will learn how to resend or retry message in SAP CPI using JMS adapter and CPI internal queue. We have used HTTP, JMS and Email adapter to create two scenarios. You need to add JMS receiver adapter to put the message in the queue. Once the message is available in the queue you can fetch the same using Sender JMS adapter and can perform a Resend/Retry message in SAP CPI.

1. HTTPS to JMS – In this iflow we shall send the data using a HTTPS sender adapter and intermediate save the data in JMS queue.

2. JMS to Mail – In this iflow the message will be picked from JMS queue and sent to one of the GMAIL. In case there is any failure the data in JMS queue is available for retry.

This will be useful to understand – How to resend message in SAP CPI, cloud platform integration.

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It is time to Upskill in SAP CPI – https://asapcpitraining.com/top-10-reasons-to-learn-sap-cpi

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July 5, 2022

Process Direct adapter for SAP CPI

#cpi #process direct #adapter #sapcpi #sap #asapcpitraining

Process direct adpter is used communication between integration artifact/flows in SAP Cloud Platform Integration platform for the tenant.

If you want to improve performance of your inter related iflow then ProcessDirect adapter in SAP CPI is the solution for you. You can use ProcessDirect adapter to provide direct communication between two integration flows and unlike HTTP/SOAP adapter communication between two integration flows will not be routed via load balancer.

How to use Process Direct adapter and why to use process direct adapter is explained in this video.

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It is time to Upskill in SAP CPI – https://asapcpitraining.com/top-10-reasons-to-learn-sap-cpi

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FAQ – https://asapcpitraining.com/faq/